Spire Training Videos Skip to Videos All | Lot Numbers | Credit Card Processing | Accounts Receivable | Tax | User Defined Fields | Payables | What's New | Service | Production | Payroll | Purchasing | Sales | General Ledger | Inventory | General | General Ledger, Service, Accounts Receivable, Sales, What's New, Payroll, General, Tax, Production, Credit Card Processing, User Defined Fields, Payables, Purchasing, Inventory, Lot Numbers, • 2024-02-22 Spire Full Demonstration 2024 What's New, • 2023-12-13 What's New in Spire 3.11 Spire version 3.11 has been released with greater flexibility and functionality when managing price levels and future pricing changes, maintaining and entering user defined fields, and configuring sales tax exemptions on inventory items.