Mastering Email Setup and Best Practices in Spire

Written by: Spire Systems Inc.

In light of the evolving digital landscape and the increasing sophistication of cyber threats, Spire's approach to email integration has undergone significant enhancements starting in Spire 3.9. With global shifts in email server protocols aimed at curbing malicious activities, it's more crucial than ever to ensure your Spire email setup is secure, efficient and compliant with the latest requirements from all email providers. This is especially true for major email providers like Gmail, Yahoo! and Microsoft who are leading the way with compliance requirements. 

A key development in Spire 3.9 is the integration with SendGrid, which offers superior reliability, advanced deliverability features, and robust security measures over traditional SMTP relay or Direct SMTP methods. This guide illustrates Spire's latest features along with industry best practices and the latest inbox provider requirements to optimize your email deliverability and security.

Part 1: Setting Up Email in Spire

With the introduction of Spire 3.9, integrating with SendGrid has become a cornerstone of Spire's email setup capabilities. This move was strategic, aimed at leveraging SendGrid's comprehensive suite of email tools and features, designed to enhance email deliverability, provide in-depth analytics, and ensure high levels of security and compliance. SendGrid's reliable infrastructure and scalable solutions offer significant advantages, particularly in handling large volumes of email, managing sender reputation, and minimizing deliverability issues.

Spire now has the ability to authenticate with a SMTP server in Spire Server Administration. Clients who have used Company Settings > Email and User Settings > Email in the past can still use these legacy settings until they set up authenticated email integration in Spire Server Administration. Please understand that some SMTP servers have deprecated support for this method in recent years. Read more about some of the changes happening with Google at Winding Down Google Sync and Less Secure Apps Support.

Once the email integration is set up then the legacy settings will no longer be used. Companies now created in Spire will not display or provide access to these legacy settings. Spire now retains sent emails in the Communication module so it is no longer required to track sent messages in another email program’s Sent Items.

Here’s how to get started:

Initial Setup and Configuration

Access Spire Server Administration: Log in with administrative privileges to Spire Server Admin to access Email Backend options in the Integrations section.

Choosing Your Integration Method

Spire offers multiple pathways for email setup, each with its benefits and considerations:

SendGrid Integration (Spire’s recommended method):

  • Sign up at SendGrid for a free or premium account. Free accounts allow up to a maximum of 100 emails a day.

  • Leave the SendGrid screen open with the Label and API Key after sign up.

  • In Spire, navigate to Server Administration > Integrations, and in the Setup section, input your SendGrid company name Label and API Key.

Choosing SendGrid as your email integration platform within Spire provides unparalleled advantages, including access to SendGrid's vast network, which ensures higher email deliverability rates and reduced spam filter entrapments. SendGrid's detailed analytics allow for monitoring and optimizing email campaigns and transactional emails, offering insights into open rates, click-through rates, and bounce rates, thereby enabling data-driven decisions for improved email performance.

SMTP-Relay Setup (Available in Spire 3.10+):

  • Configure SMTP Relay in your domain’s SMTP server administration page. Learn more about how to configure SMTP Relay for Microsoft and Google.

  • In Spire, select the SMTP option under Integrations and in the Setup section, input the details from your SMTP setup, leaving username and password fields blank.

Direct SMTP Method (Desirable only when unable to use SendGrid or SMTP-Relay):

  • Create a generic email account for your domain (ex: and create an app password.

  • In Spire, select the SMTP option under Integrations and in the Setup section, input this address and the details as specified in your SMTP server documentation.

  • This method is the least reliable of the 3 methods especially concerning bulk and larger volumes of transactional email. 

Finalizing the Setup

  • Manage Access: Enable the integration for each company within Spire that requires email capabilities by clicking on Manage Access next to the relevant integration method. Spire 3.10+ allows you to set up multiple integrations so different companies can use different integration methods or accounts.

  • User Settings: Update individual user settings in Spire Desktop to specify sender information, ensuring emails are sent from domain-owned addresses.

Part 2: Best Practices for Email Deliverability

Enhancing email deliverability and maintaining the integrity of your communications are pivotal in today’s digital landscape. Adhering to the following best practices can significantly improve your email interactions and ensure your messages reach their intended recipients.

Email Content and Sender Reputation

  • Professional Email Addresses: Utilize domain-specific email addresses that align with your company's website, for example,, for all outbound communications. This practice not only enhances your brand's credibility but also reduces the likelihood of your emails being flagged as spam and meets inbox provider requirements for domain alignment. Avoid using personal or generic email addresses like, as they can diminish trust and professionalism.

  • Consistent Sender Information: Maintain consistency between the email sender address and the account used to send the email. This consistency is crucial for avoiding restrictions imposed by major email servers, which may block or filter emails perceived as misleading or deceptive.

  • Clear and Concise Subject Lines: Devote attention to crafting subject lines that succinctly and accurately reflect the content of your email. A well-thought-out subject line can be the difference between an opened email and one that is overlooked or dismissed as irrelevant or spammy.

  • Manage Attachments and Links: Exercise caution with the number and type of attachments you include and the links you embed in your emails. Excessive attachments or dubious links can trigger spam filters and risk the security of both the sender and recipient. Ensure that all links are relevant, trustworthy, and necessary for the message's purpose.

  • Short cc and bcc lists: Keep the cc (carbon copy) and bcc (blind carbon copy) lists concise, including only those individuals who genuinely need to receive the message. Overuse of cc and bcc can lead to information overload, privacy concerns, and increased risk of accidental data breaches.

Server and IT Infrastructure

  • Authentication Protocols: Solidify your email security framework by implementing Sender Policy Framework (SPF), DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM), and Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) records. These authentication measures verify your emails' legitimacy, making it harder for attackers to spoof your domain and protecting your brand's integrity. They’re now requirements for many inbox providers.

  • Use TLS for Email Transmission: Secure your email communications with Transport Layer Security (TLS), as required by leading inbox providers, to protect against eavesdropping and tampering.

  • Maintain Low Spam Rates: Keep your spam complaint rate below the 0.3% threshold as monitored by tools like Google Postmaster to ensure good deliverability.

  • Ensure From: Header Domain Alignment: To comply with DMARC and enhance email deliverability, ensure that the domain in the "From" header aligns with either the domain specified in the SPF record or the domain used in the DKIM signature. This alignment is crucial for authenticating your emails and maintaining a trustworthy sender reputation.

  • Authentication: Be aware that major email servers now mandate authentication before accepting messages. This shift aims to enhance the security of email communications and reduce the risk of unauthorized access and email fraud. 

Given the technical complexity and critical importance of setting up secure and efficient email systems, it is strongly advised to involve your IT professionals or department in the process.

For more in-depth information on these best practices and requirements, consider reading SendGrid's comprehensive guides: "Gmail and Yahoo! Updates: FAQ""Gmail and Yahoo’s New Sender Requirements: A Closer Look", and How to Set Up Domain Authentication which are relevant to all email providers.

Organizational Email Strategy

  • Role-Based Email Addresses: Adopt role-specific email addresses, such as or utilizing email lists or aliases to streamline communication and ensure continuity. This approach is particularly beneficial for handling transitions within roles or departments, as it allows for seamless handovers without disrupting external communications.

  • Regular List Maintenance: Regularly curate and manage your email lists to remove outdated, incorrect, or unengaged contacts. Maintaining a healthy list improves your sender reputation, increases engagement rates, and reduces the likelihood of your emails being marked as spam.Monitoring and Adjustments

  • Sender Score: You may want to consider checking your sender score to identify and rectify any issues affecting deliverability. There are several online services that provide a sender score. You typically need to enter your domain and verify ownership. Sender score will be a number between 0 and 100 where a higher score indicates a better reputation. Sender scores are calculated based on various factors, including spam complaints, mailing to unknown users, industry blacklists and other email sending behaviours. 

  • Email Testing: Regularly test your emails across various recipient email clients and devices to ensure they display correctly and are engaging. This practice helps identify and rectify potential issues that could affect readability and ensure deliverability.

  • Adapt to Changes: Stay informed about global email server changes and adjust your practices and settings in Spire accordingly.


Adapting to the changing email landscape requires a strategic approach to email setup and management within Spire. By leveraging Spire's advanced integration options and adhering to established email best practices and the latest requirements from inbox providers, businesses can ensure secure, efficient, and reliable email communications. This guide serves as a blueprint to navigate the complexities of modern email systems, fostering better engagement and protecting against emerging cyber threats.


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