Losing Focus with too many Notifications?


With today's instant notifications and over stimulation, there are days that it can cause you to lose focus on what you were... ding.. oh look, there is a new cute squirrel video!.... oh, sorry what was a typing again? Oh right... losing focus!

While there are times that these notifications can be important, there are also times that they can cause us to be unproductive in our day to day work. When you have a project or a slot of time that you need undivided attention, you can use the Focus Assist in Windows 10 to keep you on track.

This tool will stop all notifications for a specified time, and can be scheduled to repeat regularly or they can be turned on manually when you are sharing your screen with another person during a video meeting. If there are certain contacts that you need to receive notifications from no matter what, you can set them as VIP's so that they will come through even if you have Focus Assist toggled on.

So, how do we turn on this tool to help us focus? Here's how:

  • Hit the Windows key on your keyboard

  • Type "Focus Assist"

  • Click Enter

You will be presented with the screen below, and can set all of your parameters to suit your specific needs.

The IT team at TriTech is fully equipped to assist you in managing your IT even in small ways such as turning off notifications. Give us a call today for a network analysis to see how we can make your business more productive today at info@tri-tech.com.


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