7 Reasons to Back Up Microsoft 365 Data – SaaS Protection

As businesses increasingly embrace cloud services, the shift offers convenience by transferring back-end maintenance to vendors. Additionally, migrating essential systems to software-as-a-service (SaaS) models can lead to significant cost savings compared to investing in on-premises hardware. Among the top players in the cloud arena is Microsoft®, with more and more companies adopting Microsoft 365™ (formerly Office 365®).

Microsoft 365 provides a comprehensive suite of tools, bundling together email, data storage, and productivity apps. However, when it comes to safeguarding the retention and recovery of data within Microsoft 365, it’s critical to have a backup solution in place. The risks associated with data loss are significant. Research indicates that over 30% of businesses have experienced data loss within SaaS applications.

As your Managed Service Provider (MSP) we are your trusted advisor. You rely on us to keep your operations running smoothly and to guide you in making sound IT decisions. Protecting your data is a fundamental part of this responsibility. The last thing we want is to be in a position where we must explain that lost data is irretrievable.

  • 30%+ of businesses have lost data stored in SaaS applications¹

  • 57% of IT leaders expect remote and hybrid working environments to increase the likelihood of Microsoft 365 data loss²

  • $4.24 million USD is the average cost of a data breach³

Given these risks, it's essential to supplement your customers' Microsoft 365 setups with additional backup and data protection solutions. This article outlines seven key reasons why backing up Microsoft 365 data is critical. Understanding these reasons can help identify gaps in your current practices and equip you with the knowledge to make a compelling case to potential clients.

By addressing these data protection needs, you'll be in a better position to ensure your clients are fully protected and to offer them the peace of mind that comes with knowing their Microsoft 365 data is secure.

Why Should You Back Up Microsoft 365 Data? Is Microsoft 365 Alone Sufficient?

Accidental Deletion

Accidents happen. A user might unintentionally delete a folder containing vital documents, possibly because they’re unaware that the folder is shared or contains subfolders. Others may delete old emails, not realizing they’ll need important information from months or even years later. In the Business Standard edition of Microsoft 365, the recycle bin automatically clears items every 14 days, although an administrator can extend this to 30 days. If deletions go unnoticed, the data may be permanently lost. Having an additional backup can help prevent these issues and safeguard your clients from potential data loss.

Retention Gaps

Microsoft keeps email data as long as the account remains active. However, after an employee leaves or is terminated, companies are often reluctant to continue paying for their subscription, which could result in losing important emails or intellectual property. Although you can transfer mailboxes before someone departs, this process can be tricky and prone to errors. SaaS Protection offers a solution by retaining Microsoft 365 Exchange data, eliminating the risk of lost data when an employee exits the company.

Insider Threats

While we generally trust employees, even the best-intentioned individuals can turn malicious. A disgruntled worker, upset over a negative performance review, might deliberately delete crucial data. If this happens and the company’s Business Standard edition of Microsoft 365 is used, waiting out the 14- or 30-day retention period could result in irreversible data loss. While sabotage is rare, it is a risk that should be addressed. A secondary backup can protect against this threat and give your clients peace of mind.

External Threats

Malicious insiders aren't the only concern—external attacks are just as prevalent. Weak or reused passwords pose a significant risk, as attackers may find matching credentials from previously breached accounts and gain access to a user’s Microsoft 365 account. Additionally, cybercriminals could spread keylogging malware to capture usernames and passwords. Given that Microsoft 365 is a high-value target for hackers, compromising accounts or deploying malware can be a profitable venture for cybercriminals. Whether through phishing or account takeovers using stolen credentials, users of cloud-based services like Microsoft 365 are increasingly targeted. This highlights the importance of having a robust backup in place to protect critical data.

Legal and Compliance Obligations

Many industries are bound by regulations that mandate how long certain types of data must be retained. For example, healthcare organizations may have strict data retention rules. Without an adequate backup system, you might inadvertently violate these regulations, putting your business at risk of non-compliance. Implementing a proper backup system ensures that you meet these retention requirements and stay compliant.

Enhancing the Customer Experience

Providing exceptional service is a key part of your role. Clients rely on you to solve their IT problems, and offering a one-stop solution for their data protection needs can improve their overall experience. With a backup system in place, you have more control over data recovery in the event of a loss. This not only enhances your service offering but also gives your clients greater peace of mind, knowing their valuable data—whether customer information, financial records, or intellectual property—is secure. By offering your own backup services, you position yourself as a trusted partner, ready to prevent data loss and its potentially devastating consequences.

Cost Efficiency

There are many reasons businesses may want to upgrade beyond Microsoft 365 Business Standard, such as gaining access to more features and apps. However, many companies are cost-conscious and prefer to stick with the Business Standard edition. By adding SaaS Protection, you can provide your clients with the advantage of extra data protection and extended retention without pushing them to upgrade their Microsoft 365 subscription. This allows them to stay within budget while still benefiting from comprehensive data security.

Why SaaS Protection?

Most of this guide has focused on why adding extra data protection for Microsoft 365 is a smart move for your business. When you’re ready to implement it, consider SaaS Protection. SP allows you to back up Microsoft 365 Exchange email, contacts, calendars, as well as OneDrive and SharePoint data, all from the same intuitive web-based dashboard you already use to back up servers, workstations, and other vital business data. This not only simplifies the backup process but also helps you deliver more efficient and reliable service.

SP also offers the flexibility to choose which Microsoft 365 accounts and mailboxes to protect, giving you granular control over data protection. With SP, you can streamline the backup process while ensuring your clients’ Microsoft 365 data is secure and easily recoverable in case of any loss.

 With over 30% of businesses experiencing data loss within SaaS applications, it’s essential to have a robust backup solution in place. At Tri Tech, we understand the importance of data protection and are here to ensure your Microsoft 365 data is secure. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Contact Tri Tech today to learn more about our SaaS Protection solutions and how we can help you secure your Microsoft 365 data.

¹ “The Hidden Dangers of Your Cloud Data,” Jacksonville Business Journals. bizjournals.com/jacksonville/ news/2021/06/01/the-hidden-dangers-of-your-cloud-data.html (Accessed August 2021).

² “An Alarming 85% of Organizations Using Microsoft 365 Have Suffered Email Data Breaches Research by Egress Reveals,” Business Wire. businesswire.com/news/home/20210511005132/en/An-Alarming-85-of-Organizations- Using-Microsoft-365-Have-Suffered-Email-Data-Breaches-Research-by-Egress-Reveals (Accessed August 2021).

³ “2021 Cost of a Data Breach Report,” IBM and Ponemon Institute. ibm.com/security/data-breach (Accessed August 2021).


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