Spire Microsoft Power BI Connector

Unlock Business Insights with Spire Microsoft Power BI Connector

Discover the synergy of data visualization and analysis through Spire’s cutting-edge innovation: the Spire Microsoft Power BI Connector. Seamlessly integrate your Spire data with Microsoft Power BI, harnessing the robust capabilities of both platforms to drive informed decision-making and streamline business operations.

Data Visibility

Gain comprehensive visibility into your business processes and performance metrics with intuitive dashboards and interactive reports powered by Spire ERP data.

Advanced Analytics

Utilize advanced analytics tools within Microsoft Power BI to uncover trends, patterns, and correlations in your data, enabling proactive decision-making and strategic planning.


Tailor reports and dashboards to suit your business needs and preferences, with the flexibility to create custom visualizations and metrics that provide meaningful insights.

Real-Time Updates

Access up-to-date information and insights in real-time, ensuring you always have the latest data for accurate analysis and decision-making

Users can seamlessly integrate the Spire Microsoft Power BI Connector into their workflows by maintaining their Spire software assurance, unlocking unparalleled insights and driving business growth.

Unleash the full potential of your Spire ERP data with the Spire Microsoft Power BI Connector and empower your data-driven decision-making and business success. Get started today and revolutionize the way you analyze and leverage your data!

Spire MS Power BI Connector facilitates data integration; it does not come complete with pre-built reports.

Creation and customization of reports generated from the Spire Microsoft Power BI Connector are to be maintained by the Spire Client or Spire Authorized Partner.

MS Power BI subscription may be required to fully utilize reporting capabilities, and the MS Power BI Connector licenses fully respect user access.

See how Tri Tech used SPIRE to turn these business challenges into successes